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26 studies found

A modular analysis framework for the discovery of bi...

The proposed biomarker-selection strategy relies on modules for reducing highly dimensional microarray data sets in a stepwise manner. Starting from the full set of 28 modules, only those for which a set minimum proportion of transcripts are significantly changed between the study groups are selected (e.g., minimum proportion of differentially expressed transcripts at p < 0.05 = 15% overexpressed or underexpressed transcripts; in the example given, 11 SLE modules meet this criterion). This el...

Activation of mTOR controls the loss of TCRζ in lupu...

10 replicate T cell samples from SLE (Lupus) patients9 replicate T cell samples from healthy control (BC) subjects4 replicate Nitric Oxide (NOC-18) stimulated T cell samples from 4 of the control subjects4 replicate CD3/CD28 stimulated T cell samples from 4 of the control subjects

Activation of the Interferon Pathway is Dependent up...

Whole blood from 33 female SLE patients and 16 matched controls from EA and AA ancestral backgrounds was analyzed through Affymetrix Gene 1.0 ST gene expression arrays and the data were further studied through Ingenuity Pathways Analysis for canonical pathway comparison. An independent replication cohort of more than 100 SLE patient samples and 30 controls was used to test the hypotheses generated by the microarray data, using qPCR to quantify gene expression.

B cell signature during inactive systemic lupus

17 patients with quiescent lupus (patient1-17) versus 9 controls (Control1-6,Control8-10).

Blockade of interferon-γ normalizes IFN regulated ge...

Blood from healthy volunteers (n=4) was collected into sodium heparin tubes, and then untreated or treated with 294 pM recombinant human IFN-γ for 0, 24, or 48 hours with incubation at 37oC, 5 % CO2. The blood was then added to PAXgene tubes and processed for RNA purification. Twenty six subjects with stable, mild to moderate SLE were administered placebo or a single dose of AMG 811 ranging from 2 mg to 180 mg SC or 60 mg IV. Whole blood PAXgene tube samples were collected from all cohorts at...

Bruton's Tyrosine Kinase Regulates TLR9 but not TLR7...

pDCs from healthy donors (n=4) were treated with gardiquimod (TLR7 agonist) or ODN 2216 (TLR9 agonist) with or without BTK inhibitor for 3 hours.

DNA methylation in systemic lupus erythematosus patients

Twelve whole-blood DNA samples from six SLE patients and six controls were analyzed by Illumina HumanMethylation27 BeadChip.

Divergent genome wide transcriptional profiles from ...

Peripheral blood was collected from 21 African-American (AA) and 21 European-American (EA) SLE patients, 5 AA controls, and 5 EA controls. CD4+ T-cells, CD8+ T-cells, monocytes and B cells were purified by flow sorting. Each cell subset from each subject was run on an Illumina HumanHT-12 V4 expression BeadChip array (n=208 arrays).