Gene expression in psoriasis lesions and uninvolved skin

psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory skin disease characterized by marked proliferation of keratinocytes leading to pronounced epidermal hyperplasia, elongation of rete ridges and hyperkeratosis. The most common form of psoriasis, chronic plaque psoriasis (Psoriasis vulgaris), involves relatively stable occurrence and progression of sharply demarcated lesions, usually on the trunk and extremities, which share a combination of trademark histological features, including tortuous and dilated dermal capillaries, loss of the epidermal granular layer, and accumulation of neutrophils beneath parakeratotic scale. In this study, whole-genome transcriptional profiling was used to characterize gene expression in 4 lesional and uninvolved skin samples obtained from patients with stable chronic plaque psoriasis.Skin mRNA expression was analysed by microarray.

keywords: NCBI GEO expression profiling by array