Pfizer Olink Serum in Ulcerative Colitis

Project Title
Project website
Study title
Date of creation of the dataset
Date of the last update of the dataset
Experiment types
Clinical_data Proteomics
Type of Samples Collected
Number of Samples Collected
Diseases in samples
Ulcerative Colitis

thumb_up Permissions

Note Category Note GA4GH label GA4GH code
Use is not limited to a specific research/disease area. Limited scope of research. Is data consented to be used only in specific research/disease areas? E.g. use only in Biomedical Research. Other Research-specific restrictions RS
Consent does not contain clauses of geographical restrictions. Geographical restriction. Does consent contain clauses that put geographical restrictions to the sharing of data? E.g. not to be shared outside Country A, B, or EU/EEA. Geographical Restrictions GS
Consent does not limit the type of recipients. Restricted type of recipients. Does the consent limit the type of recipients? E.g. data can be sent only to a specific type of institution such as private research institutions or public research institutions or to a named list of institutions. Institution-Specific restrictions IS
Consent does not put time-limits on data use. Retention time. Does the consent contain clauses that put time-limits on the use of data? Time Limits on use TS

info Constrained permissions

Note Category Note GA4GH label GA4GH code
Use is limited to the IMMUNIVERSE project. Use of DATA is limited to the RESEARCH PROJECT. Is the use of data limited to the project named in the Submission sheet? Project-Specific restrictions PS
Limitation to the research project includes the Research Use. - Does the limitation to the RESEARCH PROJECT include the RESEARCH USE (as defined in the Consortium Agreement)? Project-Specific restrictions PS
Data are contributed as prospective in kind. They are therefore treated as if they were Results, and the same Access Rights as for Results as set out in the IMMUNIVERSE Consortium Agreement apply to them. They can only be used to Implement the Action and for Research Use (the Purpose) but not for Direct Exploitation. No other use of the Pfizer Data (including Personal Data) than for the Purpose, nor sublicensing to other Beneficiaries (unless allowed per Consortium Agreement) or Third Parties, is allowed without prior written consent from Pfizer. Access may however be limited due to limitations in use rights under the ICF and Data Privacy Legislation. User specific restrictions Is the use limited to approved users/groups/institutions? User-Specific restrictions US
Intellectual Property (IP) restrictions/requirements when using the DATA are described in the Consortium Agreement. Ownership of the Results obtained from the use of the Pfizer Data (including Personal Data) for the Purpose, is covered by Clause 7 of the Consortium Agreement, and Access Rights thereto for other Beneficiaries shall be granted in line with Clause 8 of the Consortium Agreement. Are there any Intellectual Property (IP) restrictions/requirements when using the DATA? Institution-Specific restrictions IS

hardware Obligations

Note Category Note GA4GH label GA4GH code
Analyses on the data cannot be broken down such that associations will/can be calculated and reported for the subset of samples to which the data relate from study participants in arm of B7981005. Publication requirements Are there any requirements in case of publications based on the DATA? E.g. papers should cite the cohort study. Publication Required PUB